By using standardized PRP preparation techniques, providers of the Vampire Facelift® procedure can do at least as well if not better than what's described in this research (click)<--
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Please feel free to comment below and to share. Scars can be very psychologically debilitating. And when scars involve the vulva and vagina, they can cause severe pain (dyspareunia) and disrupt families. You can see more about the use of PRP in the vagina here (click)<--
Like with every procedure, results will vary and no procedure in medicine is without risk
When scars form in the penis, it can cause a bent penis and erectile dysfunction (Peyronie's disease). You can see more about the use of PRP in the penis here (click)<--
Please share with those who may be helped.
For optimal results, be sure to combine your Vampire Facelift® with Altar™ cream (ask your provider)...