Only providers listed on this site know the trade secrets of the Vampire FaceLift® and own a license to use the name. Any others using the name "Vampire Facelift" (or any variation) violate trademark law, may perform an inferior procedure, and are subject to prosecution.
The Vampire Facelift® & the Vampire Facial® procedures differ in method and in benefits. This website is about the Vampire FaceLift® You'll find specific information about the Vampire Facial® procedure here (click)<--
All providers of both the Vampire Facelift® & the Vampire Facial® procedures must be licensed by the Cellular Medicine Association (these are specific methods and those providers deviating from those methods could cause serious harm).
Do You Show These 3 Signs of Aging?
1. Skin color becomes grayer because of less blood flow.
2. Facial Shape becomes collapsed and droopy as muscle and collagen decrease.
3. Skin texture becomes less smooth. As a result, the person looks "worn", or "tired" or "droopy." The lively, rosy hue (seen plainly in playing children of every skin color and in young adults) fades to a dull gray.
Why the Vampire?
With many ways to rejuvenate the face, why look for a better way?
Cosmetic surgery can remove excess skin and make the person appear younger. But, a surgical facelift can be more than what's needed for some people (especially when loss of shape without extra skin is the main problem).
Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers lift the skin away from the bone to restore youthful volume and shape. But HA fillers can cause problems near the eye. Also, the injector of HA fillers can chase a wrinkle and create a shape that looks foreign to the person's face or even foreign to this planet.
The HA fillers do little to improve skin tone and texture.
Unlike most procedures, the Vampire Facelift (R) offers a way of both restoring shape, and improving tone and texture, as well as literally rejuvenating new and younger tissue!
Here's how it's done...
4 Steps of the Vampire Facelift® Procedure
1. Creating a Beautiful & Natural Shape
In the first part of the Vampire FaceLift® procedure, the physician uses a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filler (like Restylane or Juvederm) in a very specific way to sculpt a younger appearing face--while still keeping the shape natural.
Providers of the Vampire Facelift (R) procedure take into account the mathematics of beauty as defined by much research (starting with the notebooks of Lonardo da Vinci) to avoid at all costs creating an unnatural shape. These ideas about the HA fillers are not commonly known even among the best of cosmetic surgeons and constitute part of the intellectual property protected by the trademarked name (Vampire Facelift®).
After creating a younger, natural shape, then the physician harvests from the woman's own blood (hence the name Vampire) growth factors that her body would normally use to heal damaged tissue.
2) Isolating and activating the Magic from Your Blood
First, the physician draws about 2 teaspoons of blood.
Then, using a centrifuge, the physician isolates platelets from that blood (platelet-rich plasma or PRP)--all within about 10 minutes in the office!
Then she "activates" those platelets to cause the release from the platelets of at least 8 growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue.
These growth factors work like magic to cause increased collagen & new blood flow. To rejuvenate new skin, these growth factors must be put back into your face.
(3) Injecting the Magic into Your Face
Using numbing cream and a very small needle (for almost no pain), the physician injects the woman's own growth factors back into her face in a particular way. These growth factors then activate multipotent stem cells already in the skin (tricking them into "thinking" there's been an injury and new younger tissue should be generated).
Click Here to Also See the Vampire Breast Lift ® Procedure
(4) Recovery & Maintenance with the Healing & Regeneration properties of Altar™
an official Vampire Skin Therapy™
The patented ingredient in Altar™, SBD-4, works synergistically to enhance the effects of the previous steps and to help supply blood flow to fragile new growth of healthy pleuripotent stem cells.
Only certified providers of the Vampire Procedures (Facelift® & Facial®) offer this very important 4th step.

Find Nearest Provider of Altar™ and of the Vampire Facelift® Procedure
The pluripotent stem cells then develop into new collagen, new blood vessels, and new fatty tissue trying to "repair" the skin that was never injured!
The result...younger-appearing skin!
The effects of the procedure improve for 2 to 3 months and last for at least 1 to 2 years!
The multipotent stem cells then develop into new collagen, new blood vessels, and new fatty tissue trying to "repair" the skin that was never injured!
The result...younger-appearing skin!
The effects of the procedure improve for 2 to 3 months and last for at least 1 to 2 years!
Use Your Blood to Rejuvenate Your Face...
The Vampire Facelift® procedure is not for everyone.
Many would do better with surgery, or laser therapy, or Botox®, or simply PRP or an HA filler used alone. All of the providers on this web site display passion about offering you the right procedure for your face.
The Vampire Facelift® book gives more detail...or even better, schedule your free consultation today...
Click Here Now to find the provider closest to you.
The Vampire Facial® procedure, using a specific technique for micro-needing, followed by application of PRP. The Vampire Facelift® procedure involves using Juvederm to restore shape followed by injecting PRP below the dermis the help restore color and texture along with enhancing a normal shape. The Vampire Facial® procedure is described in more detail here.
You can also see the inventor of the Vampire Suite of procedures (Facelift, Facial, Hair, & Breastlift) perform a Vampire Facial® on the gorgeous Yasmin, from CNN Headline News, in the following video...
Excellent uses.
How long do you need to hide inside? ie. how much bruising usual & how long to look human again?
What is price range?
How much pain?
I’ve not had the procedure, but my doctor tells me you could go out to dinner the night of the procedure. There should be minimal swelling and/or bruising that would fade in a couple of days. The numbing cream used means very little pain.
I just had mine done yesterday. There is no way I could go out anytime soon. I’d say I have about two more three days max of being indoors (because I look like a fried chicken, lol). So far, I am astonished by the results. There’s no pain today or yesterday (there was for about 5-10 min after the procedure), and no swelling. I can tell you that as of now, I’ve lost 10 years (including some significant stress).
What was the cost? And how long do the results last? Thanks
were you happy with the results
How much did it cost and been like two yrs now is it valid after or sagging looser than before the vampire . Or u r bk to way use to be any issues like high white blood cell count or dermatology issues after or cancer do u need to keep up repeating this or other things injections.
I had bruises for about 3 weeks …i used concealer to cover . Hope this helps
What side effects could occur?
The vampire facial was just featured on a Taste of Reality article called 25 Bizarre Reality Star Beauty Secrets
And then they throw glitter on you in recovery. 😂😂😂
We could if you wanted :). Actually, we throw this instead… Altar (click)<--
Dr. Runels is the best at what he does. I love his work.
Good to hear this, I’m thinking of going for a consultation
I wish they offered this in Singapore:(
ahh…. I have 2 patients that fly into Las Vegas from Singapore for the Vampire Facial and the Priapus Shot. Think about it 😉 Thomas Pulice, PA-C, Las Vegas Aesthetics
Just had it done on Monday. I have a bruise under my right eye and one near my mouth. Even with numbing cream it is not painless. Luckily I have a high tolerance for needles. But I am glad I did it. Bruises will heal.
I have a lot of brown spots from sun damage and some fine lines around my eyes and forehead that I would like to get rid of. Would this procedure address both of these issues? Thank You!
Are their salons that do vampire facials in Bedford ma
I am interested in this idea. I like that it is my own blood. How much is it? I would like to do it before my daughters wedding in December. When would be a good time to do it?
Hi Vicki. I would do the procedure in October or earlier – the effects are long lasting. If you are local to the Tampa FL area, we would be happy to give you a free consultation.
I had mine done 3 days ago. There is bruising around my mouth and under my left eye and it was far from painless. However, the improvement in my brow and skin above my eyelids was instantaneous. I no longer feel like my face is melting! My eyebrows were right above my eyes and I had a lot of looses skin that came down and covered my eyelids. My brows are now lifted and you can actually see my eyelids! I continue to see improvements every day.
I am really happy with my results and would do it again.
Can you please tell me the cost?
call our office and ask for Jackie, 888-437-4074.
hi there.. just saw your post requesting a price. Of course every practice will choose their own pricing based on various reasons including markets/cities. I’m based in Las Vegas, NV. We charge $799 for the Vampire Facial and just add $499 for the number of Fillers needed. So Vampire FaceLift starts at $1299… Hope this helps.. Thomas Pulice, PA-C, Las Vegas Aesthetics 702-664-1300
how long did it last
I did it yesterday. Already see the results. I HATE needles! I’ve done Botox maybe 4 times. I felt this a little more but I wouldn’t describe it as painful Some discomfort during the procedure. No discomfort after. I have very minimal bruising. I actually went out to dinner last night!
I don’t think you and I had the same procedure then.. this was definitely painful and I’m someone w a high tolerance. I got the procedure done yesterday and there is NO WAY I could have gone out to dinner..I looked like I was an alien from a bad movie. I still pretty much look like that today. From the ways things are going, I think I’ve got another day or two. I was told that would be the case, and that’s how I planned for it. That’s why I’m writing here…maybe your procedure wasn’t as intense. There are different levels of intensity. And they use different levels of intensity on different areas of your face depending on what is needed. So far, I am so happy with it I could jump up and down on the bed and sing a song.
What do you do for women’s hair I want length and fullness please I don’t feel like myself with short hair like I lost all my powers I’m very extremely serious. Please help me get my self esteem back,please.
High concentration PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is the key. Increased volume will lend itself to increased length. You can have your provider add ACell to the mix for an additional boost in growth phases… Do multiple treatments 2-3 months apart. Add a laserCap for use at home, High strength multivitamins and Formula 82M. that’s about it. If you’re ever in the Las vegas area, call for a consultation. Thomas Pulice, PA-C, Las Vegas Aesthetics 702-664-1300
Amazing, I would like it done. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, will it being on an attack?
I have TN as well and was wondering the same thing. I had attacks within a week or so of microneedling twice but not sure if it is related…seems like the attacks would have come on sooner…
Can Dr. Runels or anyone who has had this procedure PLEASE post the cost or what you paid for it? Thank you!
hi there.. just saw your post requesting a price. Of course every practice will choose their own pricing based on various reasons including markets/cities. I’m based in Las Vegas, NV. We charge $799 for the Vampire Facial and just add $499 for the number of Fillers needed. So Vampire FaceLift starts at $1299… Hope this helps.. 😉
I am getting my vampire facelift done tomorrow. I am a little nervous.
How was your experience?
did you like the results, I am suppose to have one done tomorrow
The price for the proceedure
Hi, I answer a few question about pricing above.. 😉 Thomas Pulice, PA-C, Las Vegas Aesthetics 702-664-1300
Great ! Thanks for giving information about vampire facelift. It is really a great blog.
I’ve read the cost is $1500 to $2500 per procedure
Is there someone that could do it in Illinois? Also, for how much?
How much is this vampire facial
Scroll up for a response from the doctor who does them.
How effective is the Vampire Facial on the neck?
I have been doing PRP treatments and I feel like I have my youthful skin back! After going with with wrinkles and some old acne scars, I was only hoping for some improvement. I wasn’t expecting the complete reversal. I feel like I have a completely new face. My skin is so soft, the wrinkles and scars are gone and my face is glowing. After going through all the other products I’ve tried, I wouldn’t try or recommend anything else besides these treatments. They gave me years back to my face!
I go for one tomorrow. I’m excited ! Have you only had the 1?
I had one done but they used Radiasse instead of a hyaluronic filler and my face 2 weeks later is red and lumpy. Awful experience.
The provider could not get enough blood from me because the only good vein I have the lead fell out of and she could not sick me in the same area twice. She ended up trying the other arm and got nothing…But I was left with massive bruising. This provider did not even have any bondmaids. I don’t think they should have used Radiasse after reading how the actual procedure should be performed. this product. I am going back today for a follow-up to see what can be done. I am hoping that I don’t have any permanent scarring on my face.
Band-Aids! Damn Autocorrect lol
PLease always make sure the provider is on this directory<--
Is your provider on the directory? If not, then they lied to you if they said they are a Vampire Facelift® provider. This is a very specific way of doing things and those not on the directory are not licensed to advertise as if they are one of us. If they are on the directory, please email to me the name:
Is diabetic a candidate for this procedure?
where in the 98020 area code do they perform the vampire facelift, Edmonds, Wa. 98020
go here and put in your zip code<--