The Vampire Butt Lift® works like the Vampire Breast Lift® to multiply and enlarge the fat cells in the area in which it is injected. Vampire Breast Lift®<– Find the nearest provider<–
PRP for the Buttocks
Vampire Facelift® Vampire Facial® Vampire Breast Lift® Vampire Wing Lift®
PRP helps with chemical burns of the eye
This review article just came out about treating chemical burns of the eye (acid or base). It explains several important ideas–one of them being why PRP may be helpful<– After having worked…
Vampire Treatments to Help with Severe Active Acne
Read the research here<– Find nearest provider<– Charles Runels,…: Hello, I’m Charles Runels. I’m going to talk with you today about a really serious problem, acne. And acne it’s not just unless…
Story of a Vampire
Charles Runels MD started out as small town internist with a passion for science, a drive to excel and a knack for marketing. His career has been shaped by a series of…
How to treat dark circles under the eyes
I had someone asked me recently about ways to treat dark circles under the eyes. This research is out that gives some really beautiful pictures of a way to treat dark…
Ultimate Intimacy
Find nearest O-Shot® provider<– Find Dr. Delucia<–
“Vampire” methods being used to help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
New research shows that carpal tunnel syndrome may respond to PRP in the same way it helps with Peyronie’s disease and with scaring (with the Vampire Facial®) by decreasing inflammation and promoting…
More about the Vampire Facelift® procedure
Dr. Tangchitnob<– Directory of Vampire Facelift® providers<–